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PS Placeable is back

International Shipping available


Thank you so much everyone I was able to purchase a huge lot of broken PSP's and have tons of boards heading my way. I have details on the PS Placeable store page please read those before buying. 


Please be patient as I build these. I will ship each one as it is finished. Look to the top left corner of the website to see where I am at in the order numbers :) 

Build Guides

Combine The PSP inside a custom shell for UMD games on the TV wirelessly

PSP Played Wirelessly

PS Placeable Stack.png

All the files can be found on github

Stephen has kept his whole project open sourced. The aim was to make an internal version of his orginal BT mod. He has hit a road block and will put the project down for now. All you need though for the consolizer mod is on his github page. 


Dan's original STL files are avalible on his github page but if you would like to print your own V2 PS Placable those STL files are for sale here. You can always buy a preprinted shell as well. 

Stephens github no back.png
Dan github no back.png

Bluetooth PSP Project

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