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Firmware Guides

This guide aims to make sure you have all the right firmware for the build you want to do. We will also go over PSP firmware.


Important: Only flash firmware to the BT mod when disconnected from your PSP. Never power the PSP and connect the mod board micro USB at the same time


Updates can be flashed through the Bluetooth while connected to the PSP. Guide for that here


We do not endorse the use of custom firmware and hacking your PSP however it is important to note that once you take your PSP apart you will not be able to update the firmware. You will find this reminder all throughout the guides. 

PSP Firmware

If you are building this on your own with parts you bought from us or sourced yourself its important to know which firmware your PSP is on. Clicking the picture bellow will take you to a page that has a guide on updating your PSP firmware. (This is important since some UMD's can only be played with the newest firmware.) Once you finish that move on to the BT PCB Firmware.

Screenshot 2024-11-26 095113.png

Installing Firmware on Bluetooth mod

This guide will walk you through how to flash the firmware for the first time to your BT PCB from your computer.

Once plugged in click program.jpg

Updating mod board using BLE mode

This guide will walk you through how to connect mod board over Blue Tooth and how to update it once its connected.

Updating compleated.jpg
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