Choosing your video out can be important. We use a retrotink but here is a side by side with the HDMI cable we have here.
Retro Tink
The after is the Retro Tink 4k with an LCD Mono scanline. Please know we are not sponsored in any way. Below we will link a few upscalers including a few cheaper options.
Morph 4K
A cheaper 4K option that is very new, not as much information or testing is available but feel free to check out their website.
The Open Source Scan Converter is an open source project anyone can build and get parts for. There is lots of wiggle room here check this wiki esque page for info.
Why we suggest an upscaler
While the HDMI shown as "before" in the side by side looks good the real issue arises when you start to look into the resolution output of the PSP. Games and menus are output in different resolutions. UMD movies also cause this exact HDMI converter to bug out.
Retro Tink 4K
Watch this video in full screen to see the RT4K in our set up as we stream PSP games and go through some setting options. The retro tink does a great job of managing all resolutions inputs and outputs this is the best for handling switching in and out of the PSP menu.