You PS Placeable and a controller
Grab your controller of choice. I always use a dual shock 4 since it has all the PS buttons and makes playing games so much easier. However any BT controller will work. Including Xbox's adaptive controller more on that below.

Connect your system to power
Plug in your PS Placeable and connect your choice of TV out cables. Once plugged in a single short press the mode button to start the pairing process. You should see the LED blink twice and pause. This means the Placeable is in pairing mode. If you chose not to add the external LED then it will be on the BT PCB and hard to see externally. If so you can always take the top off and look for the the light reflection.

Put your controller in pairing mode.
Each controller is different for this step. Find the pairing button or look up how to put your controller in pairing mode. A dual shock 4 is put in pairing mode by holding the PS button and the share button until the light at the top starts flashing.

You are all set
The dual shock 4 should have a solid light that stays on while paired. The LED on the placeable should be on as well. Once the controller has synced save your controller by holding the mode button for a long press about 2 seconds. You will only have to do that when you pair a new controller. Now that this one is saved we can power cycle the system all from the controller.

Put your PSP in sleep mode
When you are done playing simply turn off your controller and your PSP will go into sleep mode. This is perfect since the PSP is no longer running on a battery so you can pick up your game where ever you left off. Turning your controller back on will wake up the PSP.

End of the guides
This is the end of the guides. If you just want to plug and play you are all set and ready to go. The link below is for setting custom button mappings! This is a big part of this project. There are so many fun things you can do with custom button mappings.
We have left PSP L trigger bound as the L2 or second left trigger on any controller as a way to encourage people to explore button mapping even if its just to change that binding to L1.
Last thing I want to mention is something a commentor on YouTube brought up. This project will let people with Xbox adaptive controllers play PSP games for the first time ever. It is really cool IMO that there is a chance to play a totally untouched market of games potently for the first time. So to everyone who has bought one or supported the project this far thank you so much. Please remember Stephen has done so much work to make this project. The button mapping page has a place to leave a nice comment for Stephen please show him some appreciation. It has been a blast to work on it and I hope you all enjoy it as much as I do.
- Dan