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PS Placeable 3k build guide

This page will walk you through all you need to know on how to assemble a PS Placeable.  




Be careful, any modifications to electronics can cause harm to you or your device. These kits have small parts keep them out of the reach of small children as they could be choking hazards. 

Parts needed (Go install BT PCB firmware FIRST)

Ok before we begin lets assume you purchased from us, and that you have followed the disassembly guide leading you to this page next.  All the parts you need for this build are: A PSP, 1 fourteen pin, ten pin, seven pin, four pin FFC cables. The BT PCB V2, 3mm LED (any color you want we give blue ones) four M3x18 screws, eight 2x6mm magnets, top, middle, bottom  printed shell, PCB bracket, 2 shell buttons, 4 rubber feet. You will also need some cable for cutting and soldering in the next steps unless you purchased a fully soldered kit. You can skip the next few steps then. We do not include loose conductors, feel free to use any that you like. Everything else is included in the kits you can. buy from us.

Parts needed for 3K build.jpg

Lets start with soldering
(skip the next 6 steps if you bought a pre soldered kit.)

We will be cutting the PSP power cable and splicing it to the board. Its important you know which cable is positive and negative. You can use a multimeter or your cable may be labeled already like mine is. Its always best to check though. 

Soldering the power cable.jpg

(UPDATE 2/1/2025) New board revisions (Front)

New board designs are in the works to make assembly and soldering easier. The first revision going out and it only has one analog connector . The picture below will show the front changes and the next will show the back changes.


​Blue - Analog is now one connector to prevent cable overlap issues. 2K builds will get a 4 pin custom ribbon cable and 3K builds the big change is this connector is ribbon fingers down. (more on that when we connect cables.


Red - This is where you will solder negative and positive for the gray PSP part. Its the power going into the PSP


Yellow - This is where the yellow barrel connector will get soldered to. The positive and negative power in.


These pads may move in a future revision but the labels will stay the same. So the guide applies even if your board looks different but has the same labels.

New PCB.jpg

(UPDATE 2/1/2025) New board revisions (Back)

The back has a few changes to be on the look out for.


Yellow - These are the LED positive and negative solder points. There is no longer an LED on the board to remove as these all will be for consolizers. This also allows for a much shorter LED cable. 


Red - This is for analog connection. If the 2K ribbon cable is giving you trouble you can solder from the 2K PSP board to these points for a permanent connection. The PSP can not be changed after that so please know this is a last resort.


These pads may move in a future revision but the labels will stay the same. So the guide applies even if your board looks different but has the same labels.

New PCB back.jpg

Cut the power cable in half

We need both ends of the power cable separated. So lets cut at the center. if yours is all black keep track of which side is positive and negative.  

Cut after you check positive and negitive.jpg

Solder wires to each end

Solder wires to all four ends we have cut and stripped. I use heat shrink to seal these joints when I am done. It may be easier to have individual conductor wires instead of keeping them together like i have below on the right. Make sure you extend the wires from both halves, you are extending 4 wires in total.

Extend all four wires.jpg

Heat shrink and get the other ends ready

Once all four cables have been extended we can heat shrink them and tin the other sides getting them ready to solder to the board.

Heat shrink your wires.jpg

Both positive (red) wires are soldered to PWR

Take your two positive wires you will have one connecting to the yellow power in part and the tan power to PSP part. Take the positives from each of these and solder them to the PWR pad next to the micro USB port.

Both postive (red) go to PWR pad.jpg

Both Negitive (brown) wires are soldered to GND

Take the other two wires and solder them to the GND pad below the ESP. Set these wires to the side.  

Both negitive (brown) go to GND pad.jpg

Soldering done!

Here is a better picture of what the splicing should look like with both parts. 

soldering done.webp

(Optional) - Add an external LED

You can optionally remove the LED from the board and solder wires to an external LED. We will include the LED when you buy with us. Our shells also have a location to mount this external LED use some wire and solder positive to the bottom pad and negative to the top pad. After removing the surface mount LED. The positive wire goes to the long leg of the included LED and the negative goes to the short leg.


If you chose to do this please make sure you remove the surface mounted LED, the BT board is only wired to have one LED.

Optional LED.jpg

Seating ribbon cables

Below you can see the ribbon cables in the connectors on the BT board. When putting together a 3K you use the 3K 4 pin analog connector. All cables but one are seated face down both on the PSP and the BT PCB. The 3K 4 pin is face up on these boards (this will be changed, but if your board says consolizer only on the back, the 4 pin goes pins up on the BT PCB)


Know that none of these connectors are very deep so don't press the cables in to hard. The next three steps will explain the cables locations.

all ribbon seated into the PSP bluetooth board.jpg

7 pin cable

This ribbon cable can be tricky. It needs to be seated all the way to the bottom or far left if looking at it straight on. There is a small circle below the L that denotes pin 1. You want to make sure that the 7 pin connector starts at pin 1. I start with this cable since it can be the hardest to seat correctly.

3k 7pin ribbon seated to far left into the PSP bluetooth board.jpg

3K 4 pin ribbon cable

Here is the 4 pin being seated face up. The conductor lines are facing up. ( There has been a board revision for consolizers. If you have a board only a 4 pin ribbon cable, instead of the one pictured below then the 4 pin now faces down like the rest of the cables.)


14, and 10 pin connector locations

From left to right the connectors are 14 pin goes to the R or right connector. The 10 pin cable goes to the C or center connector. 

3k 10 7 and 14 pin ribbon seated to far left into the PSP bluetooth board.jpg

Place bracket over the back of the PCB

(Update 1/21/25 - Most if not all orders ship with 4 custom screws that mount the PCB right to the shell with no need for a bracket)


Take the printed bracket and pull the ribbon cables through the back. The bracket and PCB line up with pegs in the base. There is a peg in the top corner and an angle in the opposite corner that line the board up. 

Place bracket on before or after ribbons.jpg

Get your case ready

Set the BT mod board aside and get your printed parts. You will need your 4 screws and three printed buttons, and your PSP screws. 

Parts of the shell.jpg

Pop out supports

Any part that has an overhang in printing needs supports. The 4 holes for our screws and the base buttons have support parts. It is possible yours have not been removed. Doing so is easy. 


For the base buttons just push your buttons into place which will pop the supports out. 


The 4 corners take one of your included black screws and push down through the top of the screw hole as shown below.

Popping out supports.gif

Place buttons

(Update 1/25/25 - Most shells now only have X and O buttons Triangle has been removed.)

Take your three buttons and place them in the shaped gaps.


It is possible your gaps still have the support material in place if so just push the buttons through and that part will come off. The base will also have supports in place of the screw holes. So place a black screw in each hole and press down until the support is removed. (Your base should look similar to the base two pictures down.) There are base variants floating around as I have improved the shell.

place all three buttons in .jpg

Screw down power port

Once you have placed all three buttons you can screw in the power port first. You want to slide it into place the round part should sit flush with the back of the printed shell and then it can be screwed into place using one of the black internal PSP screws. 

Screw in the power port.jpg

Tuck extra cable length and screw bracket into place

(Update 1/14/25 - Most orders now will ship with custom screws that eliminate the need for a PCB bracket.)


I tuck the cable length left from the power port under the PCB just make sure that all buttons on the bottom can still be pressed and your cables are not in the way of those. 


DONT OVER TIGHTEN THESE SCREWS - these are just the right length but they don't bottom out so just a few turns will be enough to keep them in place. Once you feel a little resistance they are set.

tuck wires and screw bracket into place. .jpg

Slide middle into place 

The middle section of the case slides down and will align with the bottom perfectly. Once again the power port should be flush on the back side, and there are a few guiding parts that will make sure both parts are aligned.   

get all wires in the middle and place the middle part down.jpg

Flip over and place 4 screws into place. 

Take the 4 included M3 x 20 screws and slide them into place. They should slide down a bit and then when you start turning them you will feel resistance. These screws will bottom out and have lots of support. Tighten until the ends of the screws are sitting flush with the other side of the middle of the case. 

Place 4 screws in the bottome.jpg

Start to connect the cables to the PSP

Slide your PSP right against the case and start to connect the cables. I am putting the power in first here but there is no real order for this. Remember the back of the BT PCB has all the ribbon name locations so you can read those if you ever forget which cable goes where. 

Connecy the ribbon and power cables.jpg

3K 4 pin ribbon cable (PSP PCB)

Two things to note for the analog cable. 


  •  There is a commonly encountered problem where the BT PCB does not detect an analog stick. If that happens the game you are playing will have the analog stick always being triggered. The first place to look is at your cable and make sure it is seated correctly on both boards. 

  • The second note is that the PSP analog ribbon cable has cut outs at the front that let you lock it inplace. Since there on no moving parts we are using a normal flat cable. When you slide into the connector you want to lift the clasp up like shown. Be gentle! once that is up pushing in the ribbon will make the cable want to fold down again. You have to hold it open and slide the cable all the way in. You will know its in when the clasp stands up on its own. You can leave the clasp up like that. Don't try and close it or you will break your clasp.

3K 4pin ribbon on psp board.jpg

A guide to all the connector locations

Each connector is colored and labeled. They do go left to right with the exception of the analog stick being on the far left. Take a look at the picture if you are lost or need to double check your cables. 




The clasp will flip up with the 4 pin cable fully inserted. I broke my clasp when I tried to close it. Just having the cable in place offers enough support due to the tight fit. (Sony produced special hooked ribbons for their analog sticks you can see on your thumbstick how the cable end looks different.) 


All other connectors should be closed on the ribbons like normal.

Slifde LED in top corn and push it in with tweexers_.jpg

(Optional) - Slide LED into the holder

The inside wall on the front of the shell has a small part that is made to hold the 3mm LED we included with the kit. If you choose to use this LED slide it into place and bend the legs around the center part while pressing the LED into the cone with tweezers. It should click in and stay in place on its own. 

Slifde LED in top corn and push it in with tweexers .jpg

Fold your PSP forward

The PSP will line up with the 4 pegs that match the location of the screw holes on the back of the shell. These posts mirror the front PSP shell posts. The ribbon cables should fold on themselves. Tuck them under as needed.

rotate psp in place and srew down using the screws from the back .jpg

Screw the PSP down

The placement of the PSP may feel weird. This is due to the plastic on the inside of the shell not being flat at every point. (shown below you could trim this plastic, I have not in all my builds.) The holes line up though so just screw in one of the left holes and then adjust the PSP until you can see the screw post through a hole on the right side. 


TIP - Its at this point I tend to put two of the four screws in (two corners) and I take it to my set up and test it. Its best to load a game up that you know uses all the PSP buttons, and the analog stick 

Small plstic part that messes up the level.jpg

Screw the PSP down

I have also trimmed in the top right side as well. As seen below, this will give you the best result but you do not have to if you wish to not change your shell. 


TIP - Flush cutters are great for this just cut the parts that are sticking up in this corner so they are flat and level with the screw hole. Be carful not to cut the wifi cable. 


Slide magnets into place

​(Update 1/14/25 - Some orders will have 4 thin magnets and 4 thick magnets stack these in sets of 2 with 1 thin and 1 thick.)


The kits will come with 8 magnets. These 2x6 dots will be placed in stacks of two into the holes at the 4 corners of the top part. Push the stacks in with a little force. It should be a tight fit. Make sure you have the top part laying on a flat surface when you push these into place to avoid breaking anything. Each corner gets two magnets. The magnets should stay in all by themselves. 

slide magents into place.jpg

Enjoy the top snapping closed.

The 4 corners line up with the flush screws holding the middle to the base of the shell. This lets you cover the AV cable out in the back while sealing the whole case closed.

Lid should snap into place.jpg

Flip one last time to place the feet on

All kits come with 4 rubber feet that can be placed over the screw holes to cover them up like any good Sony console! Just peel the pads off and place them using the double sided tape already attached.

push 4 feet into place.jpg

The SD card 

All shell kits come with the SD card holder. This part lets you insert and remove the SD card with ease. Line up the side with the matching logo or the side with label words if using an aftermarket SD card or adapter. 

SD card holder .jpg

Push the card into place 

Push the card in place with the correct orientation. Its a snug fit so the part doesn't come off to easy. Once that's pushed in you are ready to slide it into place.

push sd card all the way in .jpg

Match the textures

I print these so that the top of the shell and the top of the SD card holder are the same texture that way you know which side should be facing up. They should match. It might be tricky to get on your first try but I find it easiest if you keep the top of the SD card held as close to the top of the opening. That should be just the right spot.

match textures .jpg

Push it to click into place

This uses the push and lock feature of the PSP letting the holder sit flush with the edge while its in the closed and reading position, but when you would like to remove it you can just press on the holder and it will slide out for you to grab. 

click into place.jpg

You are all done!!! 

Alright great job! you got it all together and ready to go. Hopefully you ran a test a few steps ago when I suggested to do so. If not then go plug it in and connect a controller. If everything works as intended then you are ready to configure custom button mappings and see what the web app has to offer for using all the features of the BT mod. The link below will take you to the configuration guide the last one!

your ready to configure and test your build.jpg
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